a practice of relationship

you are most welcome here

Soul Companionship

The heart of this whole practice is Companionship.

The relationship we build together can be more valuable than anything we do or practice. Having someone who is there just for you, to listen and delight in you, is incredibly healing. I am a skillful listener and I can offer you validation, empathy, and a resourced space for you to share your feelings, struggles, and successes.

This is a practice of relationship.

I’ll go where you want and support you on your path. I have a diverse skillset and extensive life experience that you may find to be a supportive and useful resource for your own unfolding. Below are in depth descriptions of services I can offer however I am highly skilled emergent practitioner and I can easily respond to what is most needed and authentic in the moment.

trained & certified


Somatic Attachment Therapy
Somatic Dance Facilitation & Developmental Movement
Somatic Trauma Healing Coaching
Integrative Polyvagal Theory
Interpersonal Neurobiology
Meditation & Mindfulness
Grief Care Provider & Ritualist
Dream Encountering: Sleeping and Waking
Ancestral Communion, Animism, & Energetic Hygiene
Parts Work: IFS Informed, Gestalt, & Feeding Your Demons
Essential Oracle & SoulCollage™



Somatic Attachment Therapy

Somatic Attachment supports you forming intimate bonds with yourself (embodiment), with other people, more-than-human kin, and the environment around you. When these bonds are secure and stable they form a supportive foundation for your learning, growth, and challenges. When there has been a consistent relational presence and the felt sense of connection and safety, you will form secure relational attachments. A secure attachment provides an intrinsic feeling of safety, acceptance, and belonging; it becomes the bedrock from which you can thrive.

healing attachment wounds

secure & stable

  • Restore the body as a place of safety
  • Feel an embodied sense of Self
  • Experience a felt sense of connection and security
  • Release stored tensions in the body that contribute to defensiveness, avoidance, or anxiety
  • Expand the capacity to process body (preverbal and nonverbal) memory
  • Create deep and sustaining intimate relationships
  • Break the cycle of reenacting protective attachments patterns in relationships
  • Create the internal and external conditions for attachment repatterning 
  • Restore your optimal relationship to yourself and the world around you
  • Enhances the capacity for joy, trust, managing disappointments and rejections



Grief Support & Grief Tending Rituals

“Sorrow shakes us and breaks us open to depths of soul we could not imagine. Grief offers a wild alchemy that transmutes suffering into fertile ground. We are made real and tangible by the experience of sorrow, adding substance and weight to our world. We are stripped of excess and revealed as human in our times of grief. In a very real way grief ripens us, pulls up from the depths of our souls what is most authentic in our beings. In truth, without some familiarity with sorrow, we do not mature. It is the broken heart, the heart that knows sorrow that is also capable of genuine love.”
Francis Weller, The Sacred Work of Grief

This is a space where you can share freely your grief and your stories of love for what you have lost. Grief can arrive as holy outrage, guilt, numbness, sorrow, delusion, listlessness, trauma, and disassociation. It is all welcome here. I will hold it with presence and compassion.

Grief needs to be held and contained through ritual, communion, and resourcing. In Western culture there are few places that can hold the wilderness of grief. This is a space of remembering the ritual arts you will need on your journey.

expanding Francis Weller’s 5 gates of grief

GATES of grief

~ All that we love we will lose
~ The places that did not receive love
~ The sorrows of the world
~ What we expected but did not receive
~ The harms we have caused
~ Ancestral grief
~ Trauma



Encountering the Non-ordinary

Whether you’ve been courting the non-ordinary, have had it thrust upon you, or had it arrive woven into the ordinary, this container aims to support you in cultivating the counterbalances that eldering has always offered the dreamers for time immemorial.

It is rare in Western culture to have embodied elders that know us at the level of soul. Instead we are tasked with forming the necessary bonds to our own embodied Self energy upon a framework of our regulated nervous system. These give us the capacity to reweave embodied ancestral connections and kinships with the more-than-human that will help resource and guide us on this journey toward integration, transformation, and generative meaning making (soul maturation.)

foundation for generative meaning

soul maturation

~ Tracking & responding nervous system needs
~ Caring for trauma responses to the harrowing
~ Creating a practice of containment & anchoring
~ Somatic exercises for soothing & releasing activation
~ Securing the Seat of Self
~ Expanding aware mindfulness
~ attachments: ancestor & more-than-human kin
~ Practice agency, autonomy, clearing, & protection
~ Encountering non-ordinary & imaginal experiences
~ Exploring the arising narrative’s
~ Weaving Self, Soma, Soul, and Spirit needs

Note: The non-ordinary terrain includes psychedelic integration, spiritual experiences, spiritual crisis, trance states, ecstatic states, waking & sleeping dream experiences, channeling, guides, ancestors communion, vision quests, deprivation practices, near death experiences, out of body experiences, shapeshifting, timeline hoping, astral travel, mediumship, seer-ship, hearing messages from animals, plants, elementals, and the earth, divinatory practices, and more. This is a somatic container of encountering and foundational preparation for embodied and generative meaning making of experiences you have had or are having. I do not teach how to access these states or facilitate non-ordinary journeys. 



Working with Oracle Cards

Certified & Trained Somatic Practice

Essential Oracle is a somatically informed practice that uses oracle cards to explore your relationship with soma, self, soul, and source.

We approach the territories of soma (body), self (identity), soul (essence), and source (spirit) through the process of “Embodying the Cards.” This will enable you to access more awareness, open up to more curiosity, and invite in additional resources that will support you in your daily life.

The Essential Oracle practice will increase your self-compassion, conscious awareness, and increase your access to the felt-sense of who and how you (soma, self, soul & spirit) expresses internally & externally within all your relationships. This circle of relationship includes yourself, others, more-than-human, land, ancestors, spirit, culture, beliefs, experiences, community, environment, the cosmos, etc.

  • Soma: sensations, attachment, embodiment, relationship, pleasure, desire, needs, boundaries, and emotions.
  • Self: inner and outer parts, masks, roles, culture, beliefs, preference, personality, and identity.
  • Soul: grief, interconnection, the multiplicity, soul-purpose, crisis, creativity, more-than-human, ancestors, more-than-ordinary experiences, and dream encountering.
  • Source: presence, mindfulness, spirit, oneness, light, awareness, thanksgiving, communion, prayer, ritual, reverence, and witness consciousness.

This is deceptively simple yet powerful work. 

Steeped in many wisdom traditions, Lea uplifts your humanity and the importance of reclaiming a soulful life that is entangled with wonder, imagination, creativity, desire, ancestors, and the more-than-human through the use of oracle cards.



Soul Retrieval: Parts Work & Mindfulness

Parts work aims to differentiate the Self from the other animating parts and narratives that make up your inner world and outer expressions. You will work towards building compassionate relationships with all your parts, even the ones who don’t feel especially compassionate in response.

bonding with the community of you

nested in wholeness

Our hope is to build a relationship with your parts and in time earn their trust. We will slowly invite them to share with you why they are doing what they are doing. When they trust the Self they will share what they really need and want from you and other support beings.

Parts work is a non-violent relational approach to transformation. We encounter parts with curiosity (Self energy) not power-over (critics or protectors). We try to be a non-judgmental space where parts can share their pain with you. Through the imaginal or narrative arts, the Self offers the care, safety, protection, and nurturance these parts needed but did not get. We give them a safe space to grieve, be validated, seen, and heal. When parts unburden they often aid and resource us in generative ways.



Self Retrieval: Unmasking & Coming into wholeness

If you are a late diagnosed neurodivergent person you’ve probably spent most of your life trying to “fit in” and perform like others. This is also called masking.
When we are diagnosed (self or professionally) we don’t just magically know who we are. Knowing we are neurodivergence does help, but who are we when we don’t mask and how do we discern this from our internalized conditioning?

exploring who you are

grieving & reclaiming

~ what do you love?
~ what inspires you?
~ where are you most happy?
~ what do you risk by unmasking?
~ what do you risk by masking?
~ how does it help and harm?
~ what kinds of relationship with yourself do you desire?

Parks work, journaling, visualization, journey work, more-than-human attachment bonds, and grieving are all entry points into getting to know the real you and resourcing yourself so that you can begin taking supported risks in expressing your authentic self in relationship with others. 



A Resourced Container
for Shadow Work

Shadow work done upon an embodied and resourced foundation can be powerful, transformative, and liberatory. Our primary focus is on nervous system tracking, resource building, and self-compassion well in advance of any shadowland spelunking.

Shadow work has a potential to be destabilizing and is intimately woven with shame and sometimes trauma. It takes skill to hold the complexity and activation this territory opens us up to.

resourced foundation

building trust & capacity

~ Tracking & responding nervous system needs
~ Caring for shame with self-compassion
~ attachments: ancestor & more-than-human kin
~ Creating a practice of containment & anchoring
~ somatic exercises for soothing & releasing activation
~ Securing the Seat of Self aware mindfulness
~ Listening to our exiles and their protectors
~ Building trusting relationships with Shadow aspects

The foundation you create here will help you navigate relationally other complex and activating engagements, like conflicts, harms, boundaries, rejection, and loss.

Note: Shadow terrain includes illnesses, disabilities, death, shame, exiled parts, all the ism’s, desires, terror, hatred, insecurities, inaction, manipulation, harm you’ve caused, entitlement, greed, dirty pain, delusion, repressed erotism, wildness, rawness, wounds & wounding: all that you have exiled and all that enacts harm, and separates us, collective and individual.



Humanistic & Freethinking
12-Step Support

One Part: Professional

Certified & Trained Somatic Practice

Trauma Informed
Grief Informed
Attachment Science Informed
Polyvagal Theory Informed
Parts Work Informed
Meditation & Mindfulness Informed

One Part: Peer to Peer

Offering Presence, Validation and Care

Offering peer to peer support for a “freethinking” humanistic revisioning of the 12 step program of recovery based on your individual and recovery needs.

~ we can rewrite the steps for you and your needs
~ work at the pace of your nervous system
~ decolonize and humanize the outdated dogma
~ take the religion out of your program
~ follow the guidance of your trusted professionals

Note: I can not treat addiction and this is not therapeutic treatment for addiction. This is a somatic container offering peer-to-peer support. I have 33 years of sobriety from alcohol. I am also in recovery around compulsive eating. Five years ago I began working with a professional using plant medicine medically for PTSD and Neurodivergence. I hold a unique intersection and can be a non-judgmental space for your recovery.