new client intake process

welcome to this practice

I am so glad you’ve decided to work with me and I hope I can make the intake process as easy and empowering as possible. My aim is to co-create transparency and safety for us both.

what is needed and why

tWO part intake process

  1. Care Consent: This is the only document I require to be filled out and understood before or at our first session. This verifies you understand what is and isn’t my scope of practice. By filling it out and booking sessions you are agreeing to care knowing my parameters and limitations along with your responsibility as well.
  2. Intake Form: This helps me get some basic information about you so I can better attune to you and your needs. You can do this with or without me. I am open to slowly getting to know you over time. The only down side of that is there is a higher chance of misattunement. Which means we might navigate more rupture and repair, and I am here fully for that process and always welcome your feedback. (form below)

Feel free to email me any questions you have or bring them to our first session. If you want you can fill all of this out in advance or we can do it together.

full permission


I give you full permission to engage with this intake form and process in any way that best supports you and your capacity. Answer what you want me to know, leave blank what you don’t want me to know. Discern for yourself what you are ok with me knowing and what you’d rather keep private. Discern for yourself what capacity you have for answering questions that could be activating, because I understand sometimes just acknowledging something can be activating. Also, none of my questions require historical details or long descriptions of what happened to you and when. I don’t need any of that to offer you somatic companionship.

As a care provider this information is very helpful to know in advance of somatic invitations. If filling this out is too much, I understand. We can walk through it together in your first couple of sessions or we can take a longer time to unfold together as you feel ready.

intake form
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Broadly speaking in your relationships do you feel (see below). Check all that apply.
Check any that apply in the last 2-5 years